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Harlem Community Fridge Nutrition Workshop

86 W 120th St 86 W 120th St, New York

The connection between good health and the foods we eat is clear: whole plant foods are the foundation of any healthy diet. What's not always as clear is how to prepare foods to create flavorful dishes your family will actually want to eat. PPMNY volunteers 

x-Post: Harlem Community Fridge Nutrition Workshop

86 W 120th St 86 W 120th St, New York

The connection between good health and the foods we eat is clear: whole plant foods are the foundation of any healthy diet. What's not always as clear is how to prepare foods to create flavorful dishes your family will actually want to eat. PPMNY volunteers 

x-Post: Harlem Community Fridge Nutrition Workshop

86 W 120th St 86 W 120th St, New York

The connection between good health and the foods we eat is clear: whole plant foods are the foundation of any healthy diet. What's not always as clear is how to prepare foods to create flavorful dishes your family will actually want to eat. PPMNY volunteers 

Transitioning to a Healthier Vegan through Plant-Based Nutrition

Online event

Are you already living that vegan life, but recognizing that you’re a “junk-food” vegan?Are you wanting to make the most of your vegan nutrition for health reasons—not just animal rights or environmental activism?Do you struggle with sticking to the habit and giving up old ones?Do