Plant Based Family Down Under

Plant Based Family Down Under
A bit about why I’ve decided to do this:  I have found most plant based recipes are from US based books and websites and though I’ve found quite a lot we enjoy, I find our palates are a little different and I got a bit tired of trying to source ingredients like chipotle chillies, and translating cups into grams.  And don’t get me started on the confusion of cooking terminology (muffins, crumpets, biscuits, casseroles), that’s a whole other page. Someone should do a dissertation on that.  Let me know if they have.  Anyway, due in part to all of that, I thought I’d better get on and share our favourite “Australian” (though I’m more British to be quite honest) recipes for the growing (I hope..) audience of peeps looking to cut out those unnecessary animal products and get healthy.