Simply Plant Based

Simply Plant Based

Jeanne Schumacher has followed a plant-based diet since 2009 and has become a motivational speaker and educator. She is also an advocate for living toxic free. Her transition to a healthier lifestyle began with a trip to the emergency room with a 105 degree fever, deadly high blood pressure and an unknown infection. Luckily, the physician who attended to her was not only trained in medicine but also in nutrition. The doctor started Schumacher on a journey that would not only change her life, but her health destiny as well. Schumacher has successfully earned her Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate through eCornell – Center for Nutritional Studies, completed coursework from Dr. John McDougall on the Starch Solution and has completed many courses through The Wellness Forum from Dr. Pam Popper.

Jean is passionate about the whole food plant-based lifestyle, and shares stories, recipes, and programs to help others.