The pleasure trap: Douglas Lisle
Why does the great male shrike kill bugs and poke them on thorns? Why is it so hard for humans to make the right choices? Douglas Lisle shows us how the answers are related. One of psychology’s most innovative and curious minds, Lisle is the Director of Research for TrueNorth Health Center and coauthor of The Pleasure Trap.
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Tags: avoid disease, books, diet, doctor, Douglas Lisle, empowerment, evidence, exploring, get healthy, health, health care, how to, inspiration, intro, knowledge, learning, lifestyle, lifestyle medicine, Lisle, listen, lose weight, medicine, nutritarian, nutrition, pbwf, Plant based, plant based whole food, power, prevent disease, references, resources, reverse disease, science, self care, take care, ted, transformation, truth, vegan, wake up, weight loss, whole food, woke